Mark 13:26
“Then They will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send His angels, and gather His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven”
Would you like the chance to meet beloved Discovery Mountain cast members?
Race your own Blue Birdie glider?
Record a Bible story podcast—with experienced voice actors?
Well, we’ve got great news for you!
You can do all this and more at Family Day, a new event coming to the Belfast Seventh-day Adventist Church on 7 September.
All are welcome to attend this interactive faith-building experience.
Bring Hope to Hanoi
World Mission Budget Offering (Unusual Opportunities)
Ephesians 5:1—“Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.”
In 2018, Jannie Bekker, a South African Adventist, was sent to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, with two million dollars and the challenging task of establishing the Adventist Church’s first Urban Center of Influence in that country. The sale price of land in Hanoi normally exceeded 3.4 million dollars. However, to Jannie’s surprise, someone offered an excellent plot of land with a new seven-story building for only 1.8 million. The rest is history. On May 22, 2018, the community center opened to the public. “God made Himself present in the most miraculous way I have ever witnessed,” Jannie said. “He gave us much more than we asked for.”
With a population of nine million, Hanoi has only a small number of Seventh-day Adventists. The Urban Center of Influence, named Forward Venture, offers opportunities to reach more peo- ple for Christ. The center has a library open to the community and an English school to help and educate children and help people develop relationships. There are also healthy cooking classes and even a running club that meets every Sunday morning. The Hanoi Seventh-day Adventist Church is also housed in the same building. The center’s activities have allowed for the develop- ment of solid bonds and even friendships with government officials.
“An opportunity arose to partner with the Vietnam Religious Affairs Committee, and we are teaching English to twenty-eight of its members,” says Tunnel, the center’s director. “As we see people attending language classes and then the church services, we know that God is at work. God can work miracles. So we look forward to seeing what He has in store for us.”
This story is a good example of what is done with the donations to the Unusual Opportunities Offering Fund, which allows the General Conference to respond quickly to urgent projects when they arise.
Appeal: A portion of the regular offerings and donations today will be automatically sent to the Unusual Opportunity Offering Fund to support critical needs when they arise. You may also give your voluntary offering directly to this fund in addition to your Promise offering (regular and systematic offerings) by indicating “Unusual Opportunities Offering” on the envelope or by visi- ting the website, and selecting “CG Unusual Opportunities Fund.”
- Irish Mission Day Of Fellowship September 14th Dublin – if you need transport, call Pastor Todd or register at the Entrance hall.
- VOP Bible Study School– October 14th more information to follow shortly
- Prayer Meeting- Every Wed Evenings at 7:30 ZOOM ID: 2638989242 (Passcode 000000)
- Christ Objects Lessons: Study held every Monday on Zoom with Pastor Gideon at 7pm Zoom 81990409706 passcode 743460
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