A caring community preparing people for Christ’s soon return


Then Jesus said to them,’ A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you: he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going’”

Sabbath School 10:00 am Sabbath (Saturday)
Available classes for all ages. (adults, youth and children.

Divine Worship: 11:15am Sabbath (Saturday)

74-84 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 6AF


How Much Should My Offering Be?

SABBATH 17—APRIL 27, 2024

Mark 12:43, 44—“Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abun- dance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.”

When the widow took the offering to the temple, she made two decisions: First, her offering would involve a great sacrifice, and second, she chose what percentage she would give as an offering. How do we know? Jesus said that the widow gave more than the others. If the criterion was quantity, she could not have given more than the other givers, for the Bible says that they gave large sums of money. On the other hand, if the criterion of her offering is a percentage, then the statement is true. She was giving away 100% of what she owned, and this was much higher than all the other percentages returned that day.

Commenting on this story Ellen G. White states: “Thus He taught that the value of the gift is estimated not by the amount, but by the proportion that is given and the motive that actuates the giver” (Acts of the Apostles, p. 342).

For tithing, God chose a percentage. The word tithe means ten percent of one’s income. Re- garding the offerings, God gave the freedom to the worshipper to choose the percentage to be returned. In Deuteronomy 16:17 we read, “Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you” (NIV, italics added).

Did you notice the word “proportion”? The percentage of the offerings can be periodically reassessed according to God’s blessings over our financial life.

A good summary would be:

  1. Offerings and tithes must be given on a percentage basis.

  2. God chose the tithing percentage; the worshipper chooses the percentage of the offe-


  3. Tithes and offerings should not be given impulsively or thoughtlessly.

  4. I cannot change the tithe percentage, as it has already been established by God, but I

    must always be eager to increase the proportion of offerings given to God’s cause.

Appeal: Today I want to invite you to pray and choose what the percentage of your offerings will be. If you already return offerings based on a percentage, you can pray at this time and choose either to keep the chosen percentage or to update it. This is one of the ways to put self last and God first.


Balmoral show

All volunteers to meet at the church on Sunday April 21st at 10am to plan and arrange the Event. The Balmoral Show is the Largest Agricultural Show in Northern Ireland May 15th-May 18th. An amazing opportunity to evangelise.


Adventist Youth Ireland Events & Dates-

i.“Kingdom Come” Young Adults Weekend Retreat June 7th-9th.
Guest Speaker: Pastor Anthony Fuller SEC. All 18-30 year olds welcome. Registration opens May 7th. Venue Drewstown House County Meath
   ii. Youth Sports Day July 7th
   iii. Summer Camp August 12th-18th  All 9-17year olds welcome. (If you are 18+ and want to volunteer please see Philani or Lorna to ensure all Access NI Checks are completed)

Christ Objects Lessons:

Study held every Monday on Zoom with Pastor Gideon  at 7pm  Zoom 81990409706 passcode 743460 

Pathfinders and Adventureers - upcoming club dates

4th May, 18th May and 1st June

Tithes and Offerings

To return local Budget offerings only, please use the following:
First Trust Bank; Sort Code – 938270 Account No. – 33312061

To return a combination of Tithe; Gift Aid; Sabbath School; Local Budget; Other Offerings please use the following:
First Trust Bank; Sort Code – 938270 Account No. – 33312228

To return local Budget offerings only, please use the following:

First Trust Bank; Sort Code – 938270 Account No. – 33312061

To return a combination of Tithe; Gift Aid; Sabbath School; Local Budget; Other Offerings please use the following:
First Trust Bank; Sort Code – 938270 Account No. – 33312228

Safeguarding image


The Belfast Seventh-day Adventist Church Board adopts and follows the BUC keeping Our Church Family Safe child and adult protection policy  and procedures. We are committed to safeguarding our children and vulnerable adults who take part in our church services and activities.

We believe it is the responsibility of all to keep our church family safe and the following person has been appointed to offer support and guidance:

BUC Policy Section 10 – Data Protection (2018-03)KCFS Procedures Ireland 2018-11

If you wish to make a personal donation, please visit their website: https://adra.org.uk 

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