Sabbath School 

10:00 am Sabbath (Saturday)
Available classes for all ages. (adults, youth and children).

Join us in person

Divine Worship

 11:15am Sabbath (Saturday)

Join us in person/online

Family service begins 11:15pm every Sabbath (Saturday)

Family Service

Welcome, Announcements & Opening Prayer

Introit “Jesus Stand Among Us“

Praise Time with Mutsa, Joy, Milly and ND

I will sing of Jesus Love/Wonderful Words of life

Hymn SDAH 579 “Tis love that makes us happy”

Worship through Giving: Ijeoma

Ordinance of Humility Served by the Deaconry Team

Children’s Story: Ps. Todd

Scripture Reading: Sam

Family Prayer: Edward

Special Music: Terence and Friends

Message “God, A Bible and Me” Pr. Justin Lyon

Hymn SDAH 245 “More about Jesus”

Benediction Pr. Justin

Afternoon Programme with Ps. Alex and Ps Justin 1400-1700


Two Brothers, Two Offerings
Genesis 4:4—“Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering.”

Cain and Abel—two brothers who were tested similarly to their parents, Adam and Eve. Thesesiblings were very different from each other, both in character and in conduct. With their deeds, they divided humanity. Each represents the two classes of people that will exist in this world until the end of time—some for God and some against God. Both learned directly from their parents that Christ, symbolized in the slain lamb, was the means provided to save man. They also learned that the system of offerings that was ordained by God expressed their faith in the coming Savior.
But while Abel, who possessed a spirit of loyalty to God, saw justice and mercy in the Creator’s dealings with the fallen race, and gratefully accepted the hope of redemption, Cain harbored feelings of rebellion and murmured against God, which ended up making him rebellious and disobedient. The difference between the two was most clearly expressed by how they brought their offering to the Lord. Cain relinquished God’s rights over him. His rebellion led him to respond to God’s commands according to his own choice, instead of embracing God’s plan. He proposed to justify himself with his deeds and earn salvation on his merits, refusing to recognize himself as a sinner in need of a Savior.

Abel’s sacrifice was consumed by divine fire. It was God’s way to say, “Yes, I accept you. You are forgiven.” Abel’s surrender to Christ was accepted. His sins were forgiven. God is primarily interested in the cleansing of the offerer, thus enabling him to be a channel of blessing. The offering comes as a consequence, spontaneously, voluntarily, and out of love. That’s why the Bible says, “The LORD respected Abel and his offering.” First, God is pleased to see that the worshipper’s heart is free from selfishness, and only then is He pleased with the offering that this worshipper gives.
Appeal: Can you fully surrender to Christ today? Let Christ take possession of your whole life. And once He’s within you, may He give you the love, the will, and the willingness to give your offerings. You will need no one to pressure you to give because you will spontaneously and joyfully surrender everything you have to the Lord. Then the Lord will accept you and your offering, just as He did with Abel.


• Children and Youth Choir and Band-If you are interested in joining a children/youth choir or you play an instrument and would like to join a Church Music Group please meet in the Youth room(Small room off the Youth Hall) a directly after church. For school aged children and youth

• VOP Bible Study School Weekend- October 11-12th

• Friday 11th 7pm

• Sabbath Morning Service

• Bring your Lunch and stay for the afternoon session

• Pathfinders and Adventurers Club to restart Oct 5th

• 2pm-3:15 Adventurers and 2- 3:45Pathfinders

• Club dates Oct 19th, Nov 2nd, Nov 16th, Dec 7th

• All children must be registered see Caroline for the jotform link

• Prayer Meeting– Every Wed Evenings at 7:30 ZOOM ID: 2638989242 (Passcode 000000)

• Christ Objects Lessons: Study held every Monday on Zoom with Pastor Gideon at 7pmZoom 81990409706 passcode 743460

Upcoming Sabbath Services

Oct 12th VOP Bible School Training

Oct 19th Jeremy Fernandez

Oct 26th Lynden Christian

Please note the Church Service is Livestreamed every week on Youtube and Facebook. If you do not wish to be seen on screen or photographed, please speak to the Deacon or Deaconess on duty

Pastoral Matters Contact Pastor Todd 07477597414/02890900054 [email protected]


The Belfast Seventh-day Adventist Church Board adopts and follows the BUC

Keeping Our Church Family Safe child and adult protection policy and procedures. We are committed to safeguarding our children and vulnerable adults who take part in our church services and activities.

We believe it is the responsibility of all to keep our church family safe and the following persons have been appointed to offer support and guidance:

BUC Keeping Our Church Family Safe Document

Beach with water


Got a question about God or our Church lets talk.